The manufacturing process – MODECO STONE Online Shop

The process of manufacturing our unique products.

Our products are the fruit of our passion, precision and of nature, the beauty of which we rediscover on each stage of manufacture.
Let us share the secrets of this extraordinary process that transforms raw materials into masterpieces, while preserving their original beauty and durability.


The project and the design

Our ever collection starts with an inspiration that originates in nature and our creativity. We select materials such as natural, sintered and engineered stone, taking into account their unique colours, patterns and textures and making sure they will add sophistication to our products.

In our projects, we emphasize harmony between raw nature and elegance. We meticulously perfect our designs, keeping in mind both the aesthetic and practical aspect, to create products that not only delight the eye, but also the heart and soul.


The craft and the manufacture

Next, with passion and precision, our unique products come to life in the manufacturing process. Experienced craftspeople combine their skills with contemporary technology to bring out what is best in each material.

Each slab is cut, polished and formed with attention to the most minute details, preserving its natural beauty. For sintered and engineered stone, thanks to their precise manufacturing processes, we are able to obtain products of consistent properties that will stand the test of time.


The finished product

Each product is subjected to a rigorous process of finishing that ensures top quality and durability. Our experts make sure that every detail is perfect and each product complies with our highest standards.

When ready, we collect our product with pride as an extraordinary masterpiece of craftsmanship and nature. Each of our products carries the history of the raw materials it has been made of, the attention devoted to it by the craftsperson and the beauty of nature.


For your home and garden

Our unique products will not only add a touch of sophistication to your home and garden, but they will transform your space into an extraordinary story of beauty and durability.

With each product, we give to you a piece of nature, turned into a work of art and functionality. Creating beauty is our passion, and the manufacture of each product is our contribution to your interior and your surroundings.

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